Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Accidental or Intentional?

Just two weeks ago, I was surprised when my colleague told me that he noticed something wrong in my toy car.  He asked whether I figured in an accident that resulted to its damage.  I did not remember I bumped into something or vice versa.  Considering the extent of the damage, it would be impossible that one cannot notice it nor feel its impact.

You may be the judge, is it accidental or intentional?

I let my mind traveled the not-so-distant past.  I am sure that I still do have a very sound mind.  I am confident also that I could still recall of any untoward incident I have met, if any.  But, I could not remember any.  No matter how I stretch my imagination, nothing is registered on it.

Or, someone must have done it incognito.  For what purpose? To scare the hell out me? It is so unbelievable to think of this kind of story though.  I could not remember also that I have an altercation with someone that would lead to the destruction of my toy car.  I am a very quiet person.  I do believe that communication and calmness are the weapons in resolving conflict.  In short, I am not a person who is a trouble maker.  Thus, this angle is a remote possibility.

Another is, somebody bumped my toy car while I left it parked in the Hall of Justice then he sped away inorder not to answer his liability.  It is a little weird but could be true.  I parked my toy car inside the Hall of Justice, so, if something had happened, it would not leave the eyes of the guard unnoticed right?  But the guards on duty did not recall of anything on that day.

Sans any inkling of what had happened or who has done it to my poor toy car, I would just take it as a part of experience.  An experience that I should bank on to learn from.  Perhaps, the next time, I would install a CCTV in my toy car to monitor what would be happening.  What do you think of it?

Granting that the damage was accidental,  I could file a case of imprudence resulting in damage to property against the person who caused it.  It is imprudence because the person exercises inexcusable lack of precaution in performing or failing to perform such act.

If the same was cause with intention, I may file a case of malicious mischief against the perpetrator of the act.  It is because the act of deliberately causing damage to the property of another without falling within the definition of arson is malicious mischief.

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